Product Description
Balfour retractors, three blades 1pcs
Catheter suction cvd 1pcs
12.5cm haemostatic forceps, Halsted mosquito, str 2pcs
12.5cm haemostatic forceps, Halsted mosquito, cvd 2pcs
18cm haemostatic forceps str,with teeth 1pcs
22cm haemostatic forceps str,with teeth 1pcs
25cm sponge forceps, str, with serration 12mm 2pcs
25cm sponge forceps, str, with serration 10mm 2pcs
14cm towel forceps 4pcs
16cm Tissue Forceps 1X2teeth 2pcs
12.5cm dressing forceps without teeth 1pcs
25cm dressing forceps without teeth 2pcs
Obsteric forceps 1pcs